October 2006 - Billington addresses Association of Certified Forensic Investigators of Canada
Richard Billington spoke to a meeting of the ACFI in Calgary. His topic, “The Canadian Advantage, Better Courts, Better Business – Extraordinary Remedies in Civil Litigation” focused on the superior protections available in Canada to safeguard intellectual property rights, such as to gather evidence in copyright and patent infringement cases, to trace and seize the proceeds from the illegal exploitation of proprietary trade secrets. He stated:
Canadian Courts have been quick to adopt, apply and develop judicial remedies with the view to ensuring that legal processed develop within an increasingly sophisticated economy, and to meet the realities of a rapidly developing environment of computerized information. Whether providing tools to combat those who use the perceived anonymity of the internet as a platform to publish defamatory comments, or in responding to the conversion of most business information and currency into electronic data, the Canadian judges have employed a variety of judicial remedies, many of which are not available to their American counterparts. These are powerful weapons to combat fraud.
- Richard N. Billington, Q.C.